Thursday, March 13 (between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m.) an operation is planned on the authentication server
which may cause connection issues on Sciencesconf
Clathrates hydrates are components with specific abilities to capture components and store energy. They open a wide varieties of questionning, from the fundamentals to understand their role in the earth global behaviour or genesis of planets, to their utilization for industrial applications with reduced environnemtal impact.
This conference is the opportunity to discuss the challenges around five thematics : Fundamentals, Crystallisation and flow modelling, Dynamics of Natural Systems and Carbon Storage, Hydrate based and energy efficient technologies, Hydrates and Astrophysics.
We hope this european conference to start a new cycle of European meetings, with time to discuss and share visions, to contribute to general knowledge and european policies.
We hope the Ph.D. students and Post Doc to come numerously, and contribute actively to the conference. A special price (1500 euros) for the best poster will be attributed by the Ph.D. student themselves. A special price of the best oral presentation will be attributed to a Pd.D. student or a young post doc by the scientific commitee, consisting in an equivalent of 3000 euros to support a mobility.
Please come, inform your network, join us in Lyon, the ongoing French capital of foods, and for the time of the conference, the European capital of hydrate research. We host the conference in a cheap but friendly environnement, next to the Saone River, allowing enjoing the view and socializing. We have deliberately chosen to keep the fees affordable with zero margin budget.
Thank you to TOTALEnergies and CNRS (via the GDR Hydrate) for their sponsoring.
Thursday 16th afternoon
Visit of IFPEN, facilities. If interested, please contact (compulsery) Anne Sinquin before May the 30th :
Friday 17th
9h-12h : visit of Ecole des Mines, facilities, please contact (compulsery) Gianluca Lavalle before May the 30th :